Anti-Slavery Policy
At Harddrip, we are committed to operating ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships. We have a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking in any form.
We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in any part of our business or in our supply chains. We have implemented various measures to prevent such practices, including:
- Regularly reviewing and updating our policies and procedures to ensure they are in line with the latest regulations and best practices
- Conducting due diligence on all new suppliers to ensure they meet our ethical standards
- Providing training to all staff on modern slavery and human trafficking, so they understand the risks and how to identify and report any concerns
We will not knowingly support or deal with any business involved in slavery or human trafficking. If we discover any such practice, we will immediately terminate the relationship and report the matter to the relevant authorities.
If you have any concerns or suspicions about modern slavery or human trafficking in relation to our business or supply chains, please contact us at We take all such concerns seriously and will investigate them promptly and thoroughly.